This one is for Women.
Thanks JJMT Photography & Rebecca Wilson, photo captured at her Womb Wisdom Immersion
This one is for Women.
Amongst a growing movement towards awakening & reclamation amongst womankind, this year we are hosting some beautifully nurturing retreats designed especially for women.
Women; grandmothers, mothers, daughters, sisters.
Here you find a space that invites you to de-armour & commit to your own
self-care, acceptance & realisation.
To connect with her intuition, one thing a woman needs is to rest. When the nervous system is calm, she can rest & digest her experiences. When the mind becomes still - the subtleties are more pronounced. From this place she can listen deeply.
In a culture rife with heavy & constant demands on her resources of energy & time, it is increasingly important for a woman to develop boundaries that honour her sacred well-being.
We all know it is not always easy in practice but by prioritising self-care, she not only can live lit up by her inner knowing & fulfilment, but also importantly be a well resourced support for others.
Awaken Your Soul Retreat is a nurturing women’s gathering which immerses you in abiding calm at The Shanti Space. With tools that empower & invite one to awaken & embody the wise & creative spirit.
The retreat includes:
Sisterhood Circles
Yoga & Pranayama Breathwork
Mantra & Sound Therapy
Archetype & Shadow Work
Aligning with Abundance Workshop
Cacao Ceremony & Womb Rite
Cultivate peace now by taking 30 minutes to relax & unwind listening to this stress reducing meditation from Kay Wilson.
Kay is co-facilitating with Jessica Weaver Women’s Retreat
Awaken Your Soul 13 - 17 August.
Contact for more information.
19 - 25 April
Womb Wisdom Immersionwith Rebecca Wilson
7 - 13 June
Elemental Yogawith Jasmin Chew
13 - 17 August
Awaken Your Soul Retreatwith Jessica Weaver & Kay Wilson
31 August - 5 September
Women’s Retreatwith Marta Wanderlust
6 - 12 September
Medicine Womban Immersionwith Rebecca Wilson
11 - 16 October
Wild Women Movement Medicinewith Farah Rising & Michelle
What it means to ‘hold space’ for another
by Rising Woman
Holding space requires us to step fully into Being when everything inside of us tells us we should be Doing.
Space holding doesn’t mean taking responsibility for the internal world of another. Its never our job to fix another person’s feelings, or to expect someone else can fix ours.
Holding space isn’t saying all the right things… it isn’t doing much of anything really. Holding space is the art of “being with” someone’s pain and allowing them to have their experience without making it about ourselves.
Holding space is the quiet, powerful force of present loving connection.
Holding space is an “I Love you and I am not going anywhere” while you process this emotion. Holding space is patience and eye-contact when someone is scared or overwhelmed by their own feelings.
Presence without judgement, a hug, non-reactivity, learning not to take things personally or trying to save someone from their feelings are all profound acts of space holding.
Our pain and our grief deserve equal seats at the table as our sparkle and our joy. Blocks only occur when we try turning off the tap. And as we learn to let our feelings in, we learn to let them go just as freely.
Living by a “good vibes or goodbye” philosophy is dangerously shallow. In a culture where we shame negative feelings and pedestal the light, we risk isolating ourselves from others when we really need love and support.
Relationships are deepened through vulnerability and the courage to let another in when you’re hurting. Closeness comes from seeing someone in their darkest moments and reminding them they’re loved exactly as they are.
You deserve to experience this depth of connection and love.
Thanks JJMT Photography & Rebecca Wilson, photo captured at her Womb Wisdom Immersion
“A woman cannot make the culture more aware by saying ‘Change.’
But she can change her own attitude toward herself, thereby causing devaluing projections to glance off.
She does this by taking back her body.
By not forsaking the joy of her natural body,
by not purchasing the popular illusion that happiness is only bestowed on those of a certain configuration or age,
by not waiting or holding back to do anything,
and by taking back her real life, and living it full bore,
all stops out.
This dynamic self-acceptance and self-esteem are what begins to change attitudes in the culture.”
~ Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estes
Working with Herbs
The seasons cycle, the moon cycles, and so, too, a woman cycles. Throughout the month, as well as her life, a woman navigates a complex play of hormones.
Your period is viewed by many health practitioners to be your 5th vital sign. The menstrual cycle brings bodily changes to breast and uterine tissue and can tell us so much about one’s overall health. In addition energetic and emotional fluctuations are all part of our cyclical being.
If not well nourished and supported, then these cycles can bring with them all sorts of discomfort - from physical to emotional to mental pain. Cramping that requires painkillers, flow that is very scant or excessively heavy and clotted, intense PMS or cycles longer than 35 days are to be investigated.
A welcome support is herbal medicine - offering reinforcement throughout the ages and stages of a woman’s life. We suggest finding a naturopath or herbalist if you wish to use herbs to support your menstrual health.
Changes in diet and lifestyle are powerful interventions. A bespoke herbal tonic dispensed for you by a herbalist can really accelerate the process. London-based Naturopath Laura Larman finds 3 months is the sweet spot for seeing the most improvements in menstrual irregularities and to really assess if certain herbs or supplements are working for you.
Both diet and lifestyle play an important role in nurturing proper hormonal function. Eat plenty of good fat, as many of the most important hormones are made from cholesterol. Also, take time to rest and reflect, as it has been shown to reduce the symptoms of PMS as well as menopause.
Below are some recommended herbs you may wish to weave into your self-care routine:
Supports a healthy libido and normal fertility. Maca is knobby root vegetable that resembles a turnip, which is a relative of this native Peruvian plant. Maca grows best in the harsh environment of the high Andes, where the Inca warriors used it as a caffeine-free performance enhancer. Maca root is still used to support healthy energy and stamina, and it is also used to support a healthy libido in women (and men). Recent research has shown that it can support natural fertility by helping to maintain normal reproductive hormone levels. It has a delicious, somewhat nutty taste, and the powdered form of this herb can be added to smoothies, juice or oatmeal.
Supports female hormone production and balance, especially during the transitions of life. Healthy hormone levels are necessary for physical and emotional wellbeing. Vitex has been used since the time of Hippocrates to support gynecological health, particularly for the changing seasons and cycles of life. It has traditionally been used to support hormone production and balance. It’s a staple for most herbalists and Laura uses it frequently for supporting healthy ovulation and progesterone levels in the luteal phase. In this way it can help lighten heavy periods, reduce spotting, improve fertility and reduce PMS and perimenopause symptoms.
Red Clover
Red Clover is a highly nutritive plant, and supports the body during menopause. Red clover is high in protein, calcium, magnesium, several macro- and trace minerals, vitamins, and isoflavones, making it a nutritive tonic effective for supporting the hormonal cycle.
Paeonia lactiflora
The paeonia root is used by herbalists in conditions such as PCOS, endometriosis, fibroids and any conditions with oestrogen excess such as menorrhagia (heavy periods). In addition to helping modulate oestrogen it has spasmolytic and anti-inflammatory actions making it indicated for painful period too.
Note: While these herbs are considered safe for most people, they may be contraindicated under certain conditions, or while taking certain other herbs or medicines, so it's best to check with your doctor before using them.
Laura Larmen
Laura Larman is a naturopath trained in nutrition and herbal medicine. She has clinics in London on Borough High Street and in Hove where she lives with her family. Laura is also available via Skype for consultations.
Contact: - mention ‘The Shanti Space’ for a
20% discount off your first consultation.