

Wild Women Awakening Retreat



BLoom: 22 - 27 March 2023

Come home to yourself.

You are invited to reveal & reclaim the sacred within you, your body, her cycles, her flow & her power of creativity on this beautiful 6 day women’s retreat.

To un-peal the layers & shed your skin of old beliefs that no longer serve the wild lands of your body, your heart & soul as an embodied woman imbued with the powers of fertility, wisdom & transformation.

This experience is for women walking their own path, self-aware, self-responsible & ready to dive deeper into their feminine codes.

Perhaps you’re tired of the masculine paradigm, you find you’re doing more than being, you need space for clarity, for listening, for feeling, for retreat & rekindling your feminine essence.

In a trauma-informed environment this retreat is designed to serve, inspire & uplift with gentle & empowering embodied movement, breathwork & mindfulness workshops, weaving in maps, tools & experiences from Daoism, Tantra, Shamanism & Feminine Embodiment Practices.

We release limiting beliefs & distorted patterns to come into our fullness through the expansion of awareness & awakening of our hearts. We ground & root into Source, our womb while unwinding of our nervous systems by through expression, presence & rest.

This is an invitation to come back to life's subtleties, to root & bloom at an idyllic location in Portugal, a space dedicated to your self nurturing with tools to reclaim your body,
mind & inner knowing facilitated by Jessica Weaver.

What She Said…

“The best, I felt so cared for, held, supported, loved and seen”

“The Wild Woman Awakening retreat facilitated by Jess and her team was an amazing experience. If you are seeking deeper connections with yourself going inwards, hoping to find space to be held, encouraged and looking for ancient women wisdom, practices and spiritual healing this is the retreat for you.”

“The Shanti Space is beautifully located and a short ride away from Lisbon. Jess is by far one of the best facilitators I have experienced on retreats and you will leave feeling calmer, loved, safe and more in-tuned with your inner self.”

“Powerful, transformational, beautifully connected & good flow!”

“The retreat was the best thing I could gift myself”

“I feel so grateful to have been here! I can’t express enough how important this work is and how needed in the world.”

“Such a potent and powerful experience. I feel empowered.”

“Wow. A dream come true!”

“I feel like we all created a bond with each woman. A connection, almost an invisible line.
It became like an alchemical sacred bond”


“Deeply grateful for the space held. It‘s been a magic space of softness, empowerment, deep dive and playfulness. The workshop and experiences have been really beyond words. Just pure love for the strength and truth that can unfold when wild sisters come together in a safe space. Would always say yes again!”

“The environment felt safe & peaceful. It is a carnival of naked souls! Love it”

“So grateful for you and this amazing space”

“Wow, magical. Loved the program, the journey and the release that happened through the guidance”

“Blew my mind. So much knowledge passed on, such amazing connections.”

“This retreat was perfect in every way. Jess is so beautiful and created a safe space for us to express ourselves fully. I came away feeling light and truly present.”

“Wild Woman Awakening at The Shanti Space was my very first retreat experience and it’s hard to put into words how incredibly powerful it was. The space alone had a phenomenal healing energy with so much attention to detail. I can’t speak highly enough of the facilitation. Just WOW. The beautiful feminine energy, wisdom and ability to hold space for women going deep into themselves was astounding. The entire program was curated with so much thought and love - it was the perfect balance. My experience was transformational and I will be forever grateful. I encourage anyone that feels the call to book onto the next retreat. I cannot wait to come back!”

Experience Includes…

✧ Wild Embodied Feminine Practice
✧ Underworld Breathwork Journey
✧ Cyclical Inspired Yin Yoga
✧ Elevating Kundalini Yoga
✧ Moon Phases, Menstrual Cycles, and Mother Earth Offerings
✧ Shadow Integration
✧ Energy Cleansing & Abundance Metaphysics Practices
✧ Dynamic Emotional Release Exercises
✧ Self Explorative Journaling
✧ Sacred Cacao Ritual
✧ Women's Sharing Circles
✧ Womb Blessing
✧ Gong Baths & Sound Journey with Alchemy Crystal Singing Tones
✧ Temazcal Sweat Lodge & Fire Ritual
✧ Seasonal Organic Plant-based Meals


Nourishing pleasurable meals bring us the opportunity to reclaim & relish in the ritual of eating in a community of women. Honouring the elements & the lands from which they came, while awakening all the senses with lovingly prepared food for body, heart & soul.


Fervent believer that food is the root of our health, I perceive our body as a holistic temple. It deserves the very best of what Mother Earth provides us with - the very best we can offer to ourselves and people we cherish - or the ones we don't know yet.

After 10 years working in cultural projects and as an Event Manager for large scale events, life brought me slowly to share my connection towards food, my wisdom, my creativity and love for juicy, healthy and beautiful dishes.

I bring plant-based alchemy to this special land and to nourish retreat guests with lovingly curated dishes, always prepared from scratch and with the freshest and most mindful ingredients.

I’ll be offering delicious aphrodisiac foods to arouse wilderness within, erotic nature and creativity as part of this retreat.

is this for me?

This journey is centred around the complex and multi-layered experience of womanhood.

In particular reconnecting with the deep wisdom of cycles throughout the whole of a woman's life, from pre-menarche to post-menopause.

It is for all women, with or without wombs, menstruating or not menstruating.

I welcome ALL women and genderqueer folks who wish want to explore this aspect of their being.

If you are a trans-woman, non-binary or a genderfluid being - you are so welcome.

Please reach out if you have any questions regarding inclusivity, I’d love to talk to you about it.

My priority is that everyone in the space feels safe and seen

'A woman cannot make the culture more aware by saying ‘Change.’ But she can change her own attitude toward herself, thereby causing devaluing projections to glance off. She does this by taking back her body. By not forsaking the joy of her natural body, by not purchasing the popular illusion that happiness is only bestowed on those of a certain configuration or age, by not waiting or holding back to do anything, and by taking back her real life, and living it full bore, all stops out. This dynamic self-acceptance and self-esteem are what begins to change attitudes in the culture.

~ Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estes

9am Elevating Kundalini Yoga & Pranayama Meditation
11am Brunch
2pm Wild Embodied Feminine Practice
4pm Snacks
5pm Sacred Cacao Ritual
7pm Dinner
8.30pm Gong Baths & Sound Journey with Alchemy Crystal Singing Tones



Find yourself held in the arms of nature; amongst native corks and abundant fruit trees, swept up in the enchantment of a forest filled Portuguese valley as you go on a journey of deep healing and transformation.

During this retreat you will venture through the sacred lands of the wild feminine. With a collection of practices designed especially for modern women to transform and alchemise the dense into divine.

Raise your vibration, soothe your nervous system, heal, empower and rebirth yourself with deep processes that empower you to connect, awaken & embody your wild, wise & creative spirit.

More than a retreat, this is an invitation to listen to the call of your inner wild woman & step into the power of your divine feminine energy & transmit her love.

Wild Dance Feminine Expression Practice

Free flow non-linear movement in a safe space, taking time to connect with your bodily sensations with full permission & attention as you allow these to express & unwind through the practice of sensorial awareness.

Sister Circles

Become familiar with the compassion, deep understanding and acceptance of sisterhood in circle to experience reflections. Allow yourself to be held & seen in your honest expression by those familiar with the path of the feminine. Transform & transmute old wounds between sisters.

Mantra & Song

Devotional song to rediscover our inner voice. Your voice is an amazing resource!
Explore vibration and resonance to connect with your energy body & open your heart.

Kundalini & Yin Yoga & Breath-work

Life Force Energy, known as Shakti, moves through to nourish all of your being, while creating new patterns in your nervous system, releasing tension from body and mind. Breathing practices support somatic release of stress and trauma held within the body whilst rooting into the resources of the body.

✧ Womb Yoga

This journey facilitates the reconnecting with the deep blood wisdom of cycles throughout the whole of a woman's life, from pre-menarche to post-menopause. It is for all women, with or without wombs, menstruating or not menstruating. We explore archetypal feminine energies & nourish our relationship with the divine, however that is represented to you

Dynamic Emotional Release Exercises

Deep soul medicine to bring awareness & release energy patterns that create shutdown, closure or disconnect.
Dynamic meditation practices to express ourselves authentically, mobilise and let go of charge held in our bodies.

Archetype & Shadow Work

The Heroines Journey is an inner descent into the underworld like the Sumerian myth of Innana, the great Goddess finding her true self in the dark depths of the unseen, releasing that which she isn’t. Together we hold a grounded space of non-judgement to tend to the abandoned parts of ourselves cast out into the shadows to come into our true power.

Cacao Ritual

Bringing sacred ritual to cultivate awareness, ground energy and bring healing and transformation
facilitated with cacao, joyful & uplifting dance!

Womb Rite & Sacred Bath

The 13th Rite of the Munay Ki is a transmission to intentional clear away energies held in the womb space to bring about more power, creative energy and grounding followed by a beautifully soothing sacred bath.

Sacred Temazcal

Collaborating with facilitators that uphold the lineage of the Itzachilatlan South American Ancestral Tradition we work with the sacred medicine, Temazcal.

Known as a sweat lodge we participate in a ritual that combines medicinal herbs for healing,
purification & prayer.

At its heart, the ceremony symbolises death & rebirth,
with the sweat lodge tent representing the womb of the mother.

It opens a space for personal reflection & contemplation, & it can be a very powerful practice towards overcoming any personal difficulties we may be passing through.

In this ceremony we revere the Four Directions & the Four Elements,
we sweat sing, share, laugh & cry.


LOCATION: The Shanti Space

Shanti, Sanskrit for Peace or to T. S. Eliot “The Peace which passeth understanding.”

The Shanti Space is a sanctuary for personal development & empowerment; a space to rest and restore well-being whilst bathed in abundant nature.

The venue, an old Quinta set in a national park endowed with beautiful fruit trees, giant oak corks, grape vines, vistas and a stream at the end of the garden where we often encounter our neighbours; deer and wild boar.


The nearest airport is Lisbon only 25 minutes away.

✧ The easiest way is to come in Uber / transfer. It will cost you about 30€ and 25-30 minutes of travel.
We can put you in touch with other participants to share the ride.

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“Be wild; that is how to clear the river. The river does not flow in polluted, we manage that. The river does not dry up, we block it. If we want to allow it its freedom, we have to allow our ideational lives to be let loose, to stream, letting anything come, initially censoring nothing. That is creative life. It is made up of divine paradox. To create one must be willing to be stone stupid, to sit upon a throne on top of a jackass and spill rubies from one’s mouth. Then the river will flow, then we can stand in the stream of it raining down.”

I am offering one sponsored space for this retreat at a discount rate for those unemployed / financial difficulties.


Five nights accommodation, organic plant-based meals, snacks & teas, full program

Not included:-
Flights, transfers, treatments & insurance

Booking Terms & Conditions

Pandemic Considerations

If due to Portuguese restrictions the retreat legally cannot go ahead you get 100% refund or the option to transfer to another date.

22 - 27 March 2023
6 Days / 5 nights

Arrival: 4pm
Checkout: 12 noon

Earlybird by 1 January

Single Shared Twin - €975
Spacious Dormitory - €915
Private room with ensuite - €1215

After 1 January

Single Shared Twin - €1040
Dormitory - €989
Private room with ensuite - €1375


reserve your place now

  • Reserve your place in a shared single twin room on this beautiful retreat here.

  • For a more luxurious stay, enjoy a queen bedroom with ensuite, book here.


Retreat Leader: Jessica Maria Weaver


Founder of The Shanti Space, Jessica began exploring yoga & meditation 20 years ago & has touched the lives of many with work & spaces dedicated to healing & transformation.

She’s taken groups on immersive awakening journeys through the Himalayas of Nepal, hosted workshops all over the world, featured at Om Yoga Show London & shared her practices at one of the world's leading restorative wellness programmes, while featuring in publications such as The Telegraph, Elephant Journal & The Yoga Mag.

Now with over 750 hours' yoga teacher training specialising in Yin, Kundalini & Tantra, she is a certified Meditation & Biodynamic Breathwork facilitator with a trauma-informed approach. Embodiment & love for Nature are integral to her grounded & embodied approach to spirituality.

In 2011 she bowed out of a successful career in creative advertising & seeking inspiration travelled the world to deepen her practice, explore cultures & ways to bring depth & expansion to her creativity & life view.

Passionate about rekindling women’s connection with their cycle, nature’s seasons & tending to the unmothered parts within, she brings a trauma-informed & grounded approach, compassionate, fluid & intuitively inviting greater awareness to the teachings of the breath, self-resourcing & resilience to retrain the nervous system & rekindle trapped energy & flow.

Her practices are carefully selected to gently unravel & release internal blockages women face to living an abundant fulfilling life. She holds a container for emotional release while offering tools to cultivate more expansive awareness, connection & integration.


“Jessica held the space with such grace. Boundaried but soft and loving. felt safe and secure.”

“Jessica has such a wild, uplifting, explore out of your comfort zone side, it’s so authentic and attractive that we all open up as well.”

“Jessica has an incredible presence and calm. She resonated a confidence in herself and the program which truly permeated through all of us.”

“Available, supportive, friendly, such a goddess!”

“What a blessing to experience these days with Jess - she really knows how to hold space and guide everyone into their heart and release deep emotions. To feel alive!”

“Jessica is a master facilitator who holds the most beautiful, loving, feminine, & transformative space. As soon as you arrive you can feel the warm hug from the sacred lands of the Shanti Space, from everything & everyone. Your nervous system can relax knowing you will be well cared for the entire week. The best retreat I’ve been to. A truly magical experience.”


Anna Grabner is passionate about the transformational potential that each voice in each unique body holds. As a singer and psychologist, she felt the need to integrate her inquiry of the creative and therapeutic singing voice and found an inspiring match in the Voice Movement Therapy (VMT) Training in South Africa in 2012.

A curious soul with Austrian and Celtic roots, she chose Portugal as her home base for her voice practice.

She offers therapeutic guidance for both individuals and groups, and has created unique programs such as her “Song of the Heart” Course, “Womb Song for Mothers", “Soul Song Course” and “Healing Voice Retreat”.

She believes in the power of Sisterhood, Song and Ritual and cares deeply about holding space for women who wish to reconnect with their sacred body temple and express their wild and gentle voice through embodied voice practices.

Every voice is unique and when given a safe container our voices can release stories that we have held trapped in our bodies for decades. Anna gently guides women to give voice to hidden aspects of the soul by bringing awareness to the potency of release around the throat and pelvis.

Calling upon different practices from Voice Movement Therapy, Womb Yoga, Tao Tantra, Vocal Toning and Improvisation, she intuitively draws upon a variety of techniques to guide each woman safely on their individual voice journey discovery.

As a mother and singer-songwriter she is channeling her love for song also into her newest project, which is to record her own songs. Her voice is all about the heart and she hopes for others to tune in and sing from their heart along with her.

Anna also loves to co-create nurturing soundscapes and lend her voice to restorative yoga practices to provide a gentle integrating vocal sound bath.

Her Voice Art Path has enabled her to accompany and witness many transformational journeys. Her intention is to provide a safe playground for profound and creative self-expression, to encourage women to awaken their innate voice wisdom and to reconnect with their voice in a truthful way.



Rita Ana Marques
Facilitator and Firekeeper in Temazcal cerimonies - Itzachilatlan South American Ancestral Tradition
Psychologist, Hypnotherapist & Breathworker

Tânia Martins
Sacred Circle Holder - Drum keeper - Drum Doula - Music Medicine - Firekeeper - Lineage Doña Maria Galindo from Maya tradition - Astrologer

Firekeeper: Luis Miguel Castelo
Facilitator of Temazcal - Itzachilatlan South American Tradition